
Base Edge of a Triangular Pyramid Pyramid Calculator

Base Edge of a Triangular Pyramid Calculator
Volume of the Pyramid
Apothem Length of Pyramid
Height of the Pyramid
Base Edge of a Triangular Pyramid Calculator Results
Base Length =

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A square pyramid is a pyramid whose base is a square and whose lateral faces are congruent isosceles triangles. The base edge of a square pyramid is one of the essential parameters used in geometry and construction. The base edge is the length of one of the sides of the square that forms the base of the pyramid.

To calculate the base edge of a square pyramid, use the following formula:

base edge = sqrt((3 * volume) / (base area))


  • volume is the volume of the pyramid
  • base area is the area of the square forming the base of the pyramid

Using this calculator is simple. Input the values for the volume and base area of the square pyramid and click on the "Calculate" button. The calculator will output the value for the base edge of the square pyramid.

The base edge of a square pyramid is an important parameter used in many areas of geometry and construction, including architecture and engineering. By using this calculator, you can quickly and easily determine the base edge of a square pyramid, which can be used to solve a variety of problems in these fields.

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