
Word Problems Involving Equations

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Word Problems Involving Equations Revision Questions

1. . $240 are distributed equally among siblings where each of them receives $60. What is the equation used to calculate the number of siblings?

  1. 4x = 240
  2. 240/x = 60
  3. 240 - 60 = x
  4. 60 - x = 240

Correct Answer: B

2. . Three friends ate the same number of berries and at the end, 21 berries were left on the plate. What is the equation describing this situation?

  1. 3x + 21 = 0
  2. 3x - 21 = 0
  3. 3 + 21x = 0
  4. 3x = 21

Correct Answer: B

3. . The father is now 32 years old and his son and after four years, he will be 6 times older than his son. What is the equation used to calculate the actual age of the son?

  1. 32 = 6x + 4
  2. 6x + 4 = 32
  3. 6 · (x + 4) = 32 + 4
  4. 6x = 36 - 4

Correct Answer: C

4. . Two workers can paint the same number of houses in a month. If initially there were 41 houses to paint and after two months only 13 houses are still left unpainted, what is the number of houses each worker can paint in a month?

  1. 7
  2. 14
  3. 16
  4. 28

Correct Answer: A

5. . The perimeter of a square is 64 cm and it is 8 cm less than the perimeter of a rectangle, the length of which is 6 cm more than the square's side. What is the width of the rectangle?

  1. 15 cm
  2. 16 cm
  3. 21 cm
  4. 22 cm

Correct Answer: A

6. . The male vs female ratio in the staff of a company is M:F = 3:5. If the company has 56 employees in total, what is the number of female employees?

  1. 8
  2. 21
  3. 28
  4. 35

Correct Answer: D

7. . The output values of a data set in a database system relate to the input values through the equation

2x - 3y - 9 = 0

where the variable x represents the input values while y gives the output ones. What output value will appear on the screen if the user inserts 18 as input?

  1. 9
  2. 15
  3. 31.5
  4. 45

Correct Answer: A

8. . What sentence below describes the equation 3x - 5 = 16

  1. Three friends bought some cola cans for a picnic and after having consumed 5 cola cans they still have 16 cans left in the bag.
  2. Some friends decided to consume 3 cola cans per person when going to a picnic. However, they became thirsty and after having consumed 5 cola cans per person, they still have 16 cans left in the bag.
  3. Three friends bought 16 cola cans to consume in a picnic. They consumed 5 cola cans in total and the rest of cans are still in the bag.
  4. Three friends bought 21 cola cans to consume in a picnic. They consumed 5 cola cans per person and as a result, 16 cans are still in the bag.

Correct Answer: A

9. . Which of the following scenarios is NOT related to the equation

11 - 3x = 5
  1. A snail was on a wall 11 cm above the ground and after moving down for 3 minutes, it went 5 cm above the ground.
  2. A girl had 11 pages to read and after reading 3 pages per hour, now she has 5 more pages to read.
  3. 11 days ago, I had 5 flowers but now, I don't have them anymore because they decayed at a rate of 3 flowers per day.
  4. A few days ago, I started eating the chocolates my parents bought for my birthday. I eat 3 chocolates per day and from 11 chocolates that were initially, now I have 5 more to eat.

Correct Answer: C

10. . Two friends, Alice and Brenda share $120 among them at a rate A:B = 3:5. How much money does Alice have?

  1. $8
  2. $45
  3. $64
  4. $75

Correct Answer: D

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Enjoy the "Word Problems Involving Equations" practice questions? People who liked the "Word Problems Involving Equations" practice questions found the following resources useful:

  1. Practice Questions Feedback. Helps other - Leave a rating for this practice questions (see below)
  2. Equations Math tutorial: Word Problems Involving Equations. Read the Word Problems Involving Equations math tutorial and build your math knowledge of Equations
  3. Equations Video tutorial: Word Problems Involving Equations. Watch or listen to the Word Problems Involving Equations video tutorial, a useful way to help you revise when travelling to and from school/college
  4. Equations Revision Notes: Word Problems Involving Equations. Print the notes so you can revise the key points covered in the math tutorial for Word Problems Involving Equations
  5. Check your calculations for Equations questions with our excellent Equations calculators which contain full equations and calculations clearly displayed line by line. See the Equations Calculators by iCalculator™ below.
  6. Continuing learning equations - read our next math tutorial: Identities

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