
Base Edge of a Pentagonal Pyramid Calculator

Base Edge of a Pentagonal Pyramid Calculator
Volume of the Pyramid
Height of the Pyramid
Apothem Length of Pyramid
Base Edge of a Pentagonal Pyramid Calculator Results
Base Length =

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A pentagonal pyramid is a five-sided pyramid with a pentagonal base. You can use this calculator to find the length of the base edge of a pentagonal pyramid based on its height and apothem.

Formula for the base edge of a pentagonal pyramid

The length of the base edge of a pentagonal pyramid can be calculated using the following formula:

Base edge = 2 x apothem x sqrt(5) / 5


  • apothem is the distance from the center of the base to the midpoint of a side of the base.

How to use the calculator

To find the base edge of a pentagonal pyramid:

  1. Enter the height of the pyramid in the first field.
  2. Enter the apothem of the pyramid in the second field.
  3. Click "Calculate".

The calculator will display the length of the base edge of the pentagonal pyramid in the output field.

Make sure to enter the measurements in the same units (e.g. all in meters or all in feet).


Suppose we have a pentagonal pyramid with a height of 8 units and an apothem of 4 units. To find the length of the base edge:

  1. Enter 8 in the field for the height.
  2. Enter 4 in the field for the apothem.
  3. Click "Calculate".

The calculator will display the length of the base edge of the pentagonal pyramid as approximately 7.85 units.

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