
Math Lesson 6.1.1 - What are (Algebraic) Expressions

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Welcome to our Math lesson on What are (Algebraic) Expressions, this is the first lesson of our suite of math lessons covering the topic of The Meaning of Expressions. Simplifying Expressions, you can find links to the other lessons within this tutorial and access additional Math learning resources below this lesson.

What Are (Algebraic) Expressions?

In the first chapter of this course - more specifically, in tutorial 1.4 - we explained the meaning of arithmetic expressions, which consists of several numbers combined through a series of basic operations (including raising in a power) that eventually (after making all the necessary operations) result in a single numerical value.

For example,

16 ÷ 8 + 25 - 3 × 5

is an arithmetic expression as when using the PEMDAS (or BEDMAS) rule to make the operations, we obtain

16 ÷ 8 + 25 - 3 × 5
= 16 ÷ 8 + 32 - 3 × 5
= 2 + 32 - 15
= 34 - 15
= 19

i.e. a single number that is equivalent to the value of the original expression.

On the other hand, there are other types of expressions that contain not only numbers but they also include certain letters. Obviously, such letters are used to replace numbers that may be known or not. Such expressions are known as "algebraic expressions".

By definition, algebraic expressions are those expressions in which numbers are expressed using letters or alphabets without specifying their actual values.

In scientific terminology, the letters that are used to substitute numbers are known as 'variables' as their value may vary depending on the conditions presented in the exercise.

Algebraic expressions are different from equations (which we explain in more specific detail in chapter 9) as unlike in equations, in algebraic expressions all terms are written on the same side without any equal symbol ( = ) in-between.

Obviously, if the expression contains at least one letter (variable), it is classified as algebraic, not arithmetic. For example,

14 - 3 × 6 + 2a
5x - 3y + 4
m + 3n - 2 + 43

are all algebraic expressions, as they contain at least one letter alongside numbers.

Remark! You will often see a letter written directly after a number, or two letters one after another without any operation symbol in-between. In such cases, we will assume the corresponding operation as multiplication. For example, 3ab is equivalent to 3·a·b (3 × a × b); -4mn is equivalent to -4·m·n (-4 × m × n), etc. This occurs only in multiplication; other operations need to have their corresponding symbol clearly written in the expression.

More The Meaning of Expressions. Simplifying Expressions Lessons and Learning Resources

Expressions Learning Material
Tutorial IDMath Tutorial TitleTutorialVideo
6.1The Meaning of Expressions. Simplifying Expressions
Lesson IDMath Lesson TitleLessonVideo
6.1.1What are (Algebraic) Expressions
6.1.2Calculating the Value of an Algebraic Expression
6.1.3Terms of Algebraic Expressions
6.1.4Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
6.1.5Ordering the Terms of Algebraic Expressions
6.1.6Multiplying and Dividing Terms of an Algebraic Expression
6.1.7Another Property of Exponents Used in Algebraic Expressions

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  1. Algebraic Feedback. Helps other - Leave a rating for this algebraic (see below)
  2. Expressions Math tutorial: The Meaning of Expressions. Simplifying Expressions. Read the The Meaning of Expressions. Simplifying Expressions math tutorial and build your math knowledge of Expressions
  3. Expressions Video tutorial: The Meaning of Expressions. Simplifying Expressions. Watch or listen to the The Meaning of Expressions. Simplifying Expressions video tutorial, a useful way to help you revise when travelling to and from school/college
  4. Expressions Revision Notes: The Meaning of Expressions. Simplifying Expressions. Print the notes so you can revise the key points covered in the math tutorial for The Meaning of Expressions. Simplifying Expressions
  5. Expressions Practice Questions: The Meaning of Expressions. Simplifying Expressions. Test and improve your knowledge of The Meaning of Expressions. Simplifying Expressions with example questins and answers
  6. Check your calculations for Expressions questions with our excellent Expressions calculators which contain full equations and calculations clearly displayed line by line. See the Expressions Calculators by iCalculator™ below.
  7. Continuing learning expressions - read our next math tutorial: Expanding Brackets

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